This opening section presents engaging conversations with podcast hosts from around the world, delving into the concept of ‘life-as-a-craft’ as taught in the Life Crafting Masterclass. These discussions explore practical applications, offering insights on how listeners can integrate its principles into their own lives for meaningful growth and success.
The second section at the bottom of the page features the Life Crafting companion podcast episodes, designed to complement the Life Crafting Masterclass on Udemy. These episodes provide additional insights, practical applications, and deeper discussions to enhance the learning experience.
Personal Development
Work & Career
General Interest
Mental Health
Special Interest
Family & Parenting
Life Crafting Masterclass
The following episodes, presented by Charles Paul Collins, introduce the content contained in the Udemy Life Crafting Masterclass. Together they offer a comprehensive understanding of Life Crafting as a transformative framework for organizing and mastering your life curriculum.
Available on these popular podcast platforms or listen to any episode here with the built-in player.
Life Crafting as a subject has appeared in the curriculums of colleges and universities around the world including Harvard University, the University of California at Berkeley, and Erasmus University Rotterdam.
The Five Elements: Your Life Curriculum
The Five Elements is the organizing framework for your life curriculum; all the content you have learned and will learn in your lifetime that affects who you are. Like the top of a puzzle box, this framework will help you see the big picture that is your life.
Element 1, deals with where we live, and where we come from. It has a significant impact on who we are now, who we will become, and what we will leave as a legacy to future generations.
Element 2, is about managing your household, and the skills you need to make your home a safe and nurturing place for your family. This episode will have you thinking about managing your home as a workshop where everyone can skillfully practice Life Crafting.
Element 3, managing money is a learned skill that can be improved over time. Most people don’t consider the difference between the way they handle money as individuals, and in a relationship. This episode looks at how to align different financial management styles to make your household flourish.
Element 4, every trade and craft has a primary material to be shaped. The Human Being is the organic primary material you will shape as you practice Life Crafting. You are the craftsperson of your own life. Shape it skillfully.
Element 5, Tools are powerful instruments for harnessing energy within us, and around us. What tools are you using to craft your life, and have you trained to use them skillfully?
The Four Phases: Your Life Journey
Life Crafting follows the four stages of development commonly used in master workshops around the world to assess and track the level of skill in any craft. You may already recognize these stages from experiences with learning something new in your own life.
These phases serve as a guide, helping you progress through your personal journey as you follow your Master Plan and create a masterpiece of your life.
Apprenticeship spans Ages 14-25 when young men and women are engaged full-time in this learning phase of life. This episode focuses on the main goal of the Apprenticeship phase, to prepare for entering the workplace in the Journeywork phase of life.
Journeywork spans ages 25-45 the years when men and women practice their occupations, raise families, and distinguish themselves through demonstrated skill. This episode presents the challenges of developing mental and physical stamina to endure the Journeywork phase.
The Masterworks Life Phase: Ages 45-65, is the phase when men and women are skilled across a range of life’s subjects and making masterpieces of their own. But it can be filled with disappointments if not recognized and prepared for.
The Mentorship Phase of Life-as-a-Craft: Age 65-85+ is the time for gathering artifacts, heirlooms, and lessons learned from working on your life masterpiece to leave as a legacy to the next generation.
Performance Excellence: How You Do Your Work
There is an old saying about life’s purpose, “find something you can do well, and you will be happy.” An alternative saying is, “do everything well, and you will be content.” Craftsmanship is a way of thinking, working, and living.